Ronaldo Takin The Piss Out Of This Woman At Ewood Who Was Shoutin Abuse At Him
**COPYRIGHT** Ronaldo Didn’t Do Any Signings Or Images And Just Went Straight On His Coach Soon after The Game At Ewood Park And This Woman With Her Little ones Had Been Waiting For Him For A While So She Started Calling Him A Bastard And A Wanker Along With The Hand Gestures Because We Could See Him On The Coach So While She Was Carrying out The Hand Gestures With Her Kids Screaming And Crying He Started out Blowing Kisses Back again At Her And Laughing To Piss Her Off PS Don’t NICK MY Video It is MINE AND NOT THERE FOR Anyone ELSE TO Consider. thankyou =]
haha!!!! exactly if u really are a big fan of him u would be happy 2 jus see him nt shout names at him u moron!!!! i would have died and went 2 heaven after that flying kiss haha I LOVE U RONALDO!! :p
@robboysb NWAF my ass! You wish you could make women fans disappear but you can’t so tough luck; you’ll just have to suck it up and deal with it!
I think I’d squeal like a horny gilt if he blew me a kiss and then maybe pass out. Ahh!! He is so fucking GORGEOUS! Why aren’t there more men as physically perfect as him? The woman who ends up with this one is a lucky bitch!
ho ho he make the girls crazy
hes sooo funny!! i do that too when people talk crap i smile and wave and knod AND THEY GET SO MAD! why do these people get so angry! HE EFFIN BLEW YOU A KISS WOMAN!!! i would have pertended to catch it and put it down my pants! hahaha kidding i would have pretended to catch it and make out with my hand….like that makes it any better im going to stop now! LOL x D
ronaldo signed until he was at the coach door gets on about to sit down beside eiter hargreves or kuszack then some slag calls him a wanker. hats off to u ron great comeback.
lol HAHAHA ronaldo is funny i love him
hahaa its cool….
your mums a slag
that was my mum
she was calling him a ‘wanker’ because he didn;t stop to sign autographs
haha sick guy ronnie
lol u 2 r propa geeks. geta a life haha
Thanks for the Psychology lesson chump change. I’m going to refrain from speaking to you. I would wish you all the best but you obviously don’t deserve it.
You’re unbelievably ignorant. That doesn’t change the fact that you attacked some random person that you don’t even know. And in doing so, you made yourself look like a clown, regardless of how many languages you know. I’d have no problem with you attacking Ronny, but a random YouTuber? If that gets your rocks off, take some time to reflect on your life.
Ok, you’re right chump change, I had a couple of grammar mistakes. It does get a bit hard when you know 5 languages.
Really? That’s the best you can do? Let’s recap: you call somebody out for poor use of grammar, yet you also use poor grammar in doing so. Hmm…sounds like an idiot to me! And I don’t need to mind my own business, as you posted on a public domain. Also, you were an ass about it. Are you that dumb? Please tell me that you understand my point.
Oh I’m terribly sorry I must’ve been minding my own business when I was typing those 2 mistakes.
It’s funny that you would call out someone for their grammar! Have you spellchecked lately? “constant that all Ronaldo can’t spell”? Wtf does that mean–did you miss a word? Then, your final sentence, you have a potential compound sentence without any grammatical tie-in for that sentence. I believe it’s called a run-on sentence. Yeah, it sucks to be an a#sclown like you…
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x_________x
si ami me hace eso rompo los vidrios y me voy donde el xd !
c ronaldo is a bullshit
even his name is fake
one is the No.9
wat was the women saying?
oh you fucking idiot… if you’re just a little piece of shit, that’s not Ronaldo’s problem u motherfucker….
MAN U 4 EVER… Cristiano the best
if he blew me a kiss i would scream of happyness!!!